The One With The Girl

By Ameya Lonkar The familiar feeling was rushing back. I was returning to university after a short stay at home. I was sad and happy at the same time; you know the feeling when you want to be with your family and friends at the same time. Anyhow I was sitting in train and bound […]

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By Ameya Lonkar & Subrahmanian Namboodiri Present day  I am sitting in my house alone, in front of the television channel surfing and I find nothing worth watching. I am sure everyone around here, there, everywhere knows what I am talking about.  Boredom prevails and my mind begins to wander and travels to my childhood […]

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Mr. Warne, Take A Bow

By Ameya Lonkar The Christmas vacations had been utterly boring. I had nothing to do; of course there were errands to run but nothing fun. I was so bored that I even voluntarily started arranging the utensils. On a particularly weary afternoon I turned on the television and started mindlessly sweeping through channels; till then […]

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The One With The Girl


Mr. Warne, Take A Bow